Sunday, July 20, 2008

Concert 18 - 19/7/2008

We start doing the stage by 4.30pm ++ in the evening, with all the
settings and crew all work by that time...actually at that time i
didn't know very well for all the crew still blur blur....
This was bout 11.30pm already many band haven't do their
sound checking late night haiz.....cause of something lah....

Finally the day of concert 19/7/2008 (saturday)
our team BLACK~~~!!everyone in black haha sure don't
forget to take a ss photo of myself^^

She is one of my stage crew, she was the one who help me
incharge at the fashion side her name 'xean' haha

Gary ( HAU ) from superstar , well still manage to took
photo with him, he was my senior before PIECE!!

Bolly from SIA Rockin Youth , my same beage fellow ,
he's good in guitar , cool guy on stage and 'abang' music
department, he put on make up that day!!!sure picture
come first~~~!!smile~~!!
chu on stage singing , my lecturer haha he was sick that
day poor him....

A beautiful view in the middle of the concert , I
came out from backstage to cue somebody yet still
manage to take this shoot haha
The concert end very well and that day everything ran
very smooth and enjoy even it's busy like hell but fun!!^^
Still waiting for the group photo hoping my event
photographer give me fast fast so i can post in here,
on top were all the photos i took myself some of
them from my hp lol!!!no time for camera....

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